A.AC.T.  (Navigate)

Aspire, Accomplish, Take on the World

The Student Success Collaborative “A.AC.T.” platform at 十大网赌平台推荐 aims to increase retention and graduation rates by improving student support. Developed by the Education Advisory Board (EAB), the program combines technology and best practice research to help institutions assist students on their educational journeys.

How does A.AC.T. work?

A.AC.T. is a cloud-based student support tool that helps university stakeholders connect with students and uses predictive analytics to alert advisors, staff, and students if a student is veering off the path to graduation. The platform utilizes the university’s historical data to predict a student’s academic progression based on predictive analytics of students who have successfully graduated in the desired major over the past 10 years.

Login | A.AC.T.


If you are an active professional or faculty advisor who has completed training, you will receive access to “A.AC.T.”.  You can log in using your 十大网赌平台推荐 email address and provided password. The university will be expanding roles and permission for faculty, and as well as support staff during the academic year. Please look for emails and notices regarding upcoming training sessions.

Who do I contact for training?

Reminders about A.AC.T.

  • Make sure your FERPA training is up to date, if not please contact 202.274.7066.
  • Once you have completed the required trainings you can log-in using your 十大网赌平台推荐 email address and provided password.
  • If you are unable to access the “A.AC.T.” platform once you have completed training, please email: